Accident report and call for help in Tocsen app

Heroes app

The app for your sensor, your emergency contacts and the rescue community

The Tocsen rescue community is your cross-sport, cross-brand first responder community.

A message no one wants to get: someone has fallen. Now it's time for action!
Cyclists, winter sports enthusiasts, equestrians, hikers, etc. help each other.
The Tocsen system helps you do this! Keep calm and follow the instructions. The app not only guides you to the scene of an accident, but also gives you valuable tips on how to act.
And don't worry - if you fall and nothing worse has happened, you can give the all-clear from the app at any time.

Become part of the Tocsen rescue community!

By downloading and registering in the free Tocsen app, you become a member of the rescue community and a first responder, even if you don't own a Tocsen crash helmet sensor yourself.

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